Friday, February 24, 2012

We Venture Together

Taking risks and facing fears in general have been on my mind this week.

Christmas of 2010 my family decided to skip the presents and take a Caribbean cruise together. It was one of the best decisions we've ever made as a family. I can only describe it as awe-inspiring and an all around marvelous time. We were living it up, soaking in the sunshine, enjoying the entertainment, and indulging in an incredible amount of food.

Our stop in Roatan, Honduras was my favorite. The entire bunch went on an excursion to a small private island that doubled as a nature preserve complete with picturesque gardens and endangered animals.

I am wildly afraid of the ocean and all the creatures that call it home. I never venture out into the waves past my waist because I am extremely uncomfortable and anxious. I've attempted to overcome this fear many times. I even swam out to hot springs in Santorini, Greece. Sadly, my swim was accompanied with a slight panic attack.

When we arrived at the island we were told there was some coral reef about fifty feet from the dock. I was curious but had no intention of ever leaving the comfort of my sandy beach. The rest of my family rented some snorkel gear and took turns swimming out to see the "beautiful" coral.  Each came back enamored and encouraged me to take a turn. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity after all.

It was my brother, B, who finally convinced me. He assured me that he would not let anything happen to me. I put my trust in him as I lowered my self into the water from the dock. We swam out to where our feet no longer touched and my heart was racing. My eyes were wide in the goggles as I struggled to breath through the snorkel and swim at the same time. B noticed my struggle and he took my hand. Before I knew it, we had reached the coral. My family was right; it was incredibly beautiful. The vibrant colors alone were mind-blowing. The fish were each unique and to be honest, not very scary. Still, the fear began to take control of me. I was only out there in the open ocean for about five minutes but I came back with a wonderful memory. A memory of beauty supplied by God and a memory of facing one of my biggest fears. Please, please don't make me do it again.
Proof that I did it!
How quickly our roles can change. Later in the trip,  someone else was forced to face a major fear. It was my little heart's desire to go zip-lining in Belize. One problem, my big sis is not so comfortable with heights.  I could not let her pass up an opportunity to fly through the jungle. I am the baby and therefore she was obligated to make my wish come true. I'll never forget watching her go across the first wire. I was able to cheer her on like my brother had encouraged me.

Sister, facing her fear!
One of the most thrilling moments of my life!
I have fears, pretty strange fears. Doesn't everybody? "He gives strength to the weary," and sometimes we are the tools he uses. Sometimes it's by gently taking a hand and sometimes it's giving someone a good push. It's simple, we need each other. Have you encouraged someone today?


Friday, February 17, 2012

It's what you're good at.

I love being a fan. It's kind of my thing; to enthusiastically support someone or something. I am a fan of several comedians, actors, shows, and teams. But most of all, I love being a fan of bands. It is never just about liking the music. It is the sensation from learning the lyrics, belting the words in my car, and cheering loud at shows. You know the feeling!

Last weekend I was out at a show doing what fans do best. As the music played, I looked up at the singer and thought, "Wow, am I really related to this remarkably talented person?" Yep, I was at The Dead Hearts' show. My brother, B, just happens to be the lead singer and guitar player. The band is made up of a great group of men who excel in their craft. It is not difficult to love them or their captivating sound. B's musical ingenuity never ceases to impress me. For example, I cannot wrap my head around how he is able to play guitar and a harmonica at the same time. It should not be possible in real life, yet he manages to make it look easy.

I'll admit, in the past I have been insanely jealous of B's talent. When I meet his friends I often get asked if I sing or play too. My response is usually something along the lines of, "No, he used up all the musical-genius genes before I could be made." (Which usually gets me a weird look; yet I still use it every single time).

Envying my older brother is sibling rivalry at its finest. Which put simply, is just silly. As we've grown older, it has dawned on me that life is more enjoyable when I stop comparing myself to my siblings. We are shockingly alike and yet, each our own individual. I may never master an instrument or be able to write profound lyrics, but I sure can appreciate people who do. After all, one of my greatest skills (and hobbies) is being a candid fan.

I am genuinely glad we can't all sing, write, tap dance, hit home runs, paint masterpieces, teach, or perform intricate surgeries. Being humbled from time to time is a good thing. It's how we are reminded everyone is uniquely gifted. Our strengths cross and interweave to support one another. Do you know what your talents are? Find something you love, and run with it. You will be one step closer to truly loving the person God made you to be.


Check out The Dead Hearts:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We Call it Living.

Fallon, Fish, Fundraising, and Fellowship.

It was such a wild weekend. I drove up to Indy to experience a little Super Bowl fun. Indianapolis was buzzing with excitement for the big event. Every Hoosier should give the city a hand for coming together and pulling off a great week of festivities! I was lucky enough to be at the Thursday taping of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. His show was one of the most entertaining things I've ever been to. The day had already mostly consisted of laughing and smiling but Fallon's "Suggestion Box" bits sent me over the edge. My jaw was sore the next day from laughter. What an unforgettable experience!

If Jesus fed thousands with just a few loaves and fish, God can help me turn one car into many. I drove back just in time to get ready to take the youth to Winter Jam on Friday. I was frantically trying to find drivers as I found out more and more kids were planning to attend. Teens are notorious for last minute plans; I get that. It's what back up plans are for. Thankfully God had my back. We successfully got 22 youth to and from the concert with the help of five other wonderful adults (one of which was my dad, thanks Papa Bear). 

During the show I looked around at my group and smiled because they were so well behaved. What made me happier was seeing them really enjoy the music. Music moves me, literally. There's no option to stand still. Youth being able to throw aside pride and just dance and praise Jesus is incredible.

Zombie KP barely made it to bible study on Saturday morning. Our topic woke me right up (along with coffee from the shop we meet at). We were discussing Jonah. I don't care if it only says "fish," Jonah was swallowed by a whale, a WHALE. It just so happens that I am absolutely terrified of whales to the point where the sight of one can make me nauseous. Needless to say I was distracted but my group and I focused in on Jonah's prayer in Chapter 2. Although there is great praise for God, there is no indication of guilt or understanding of why he was cast into the sea.  If we don't acknowledge our faults how can we grow? How can we fulfill God's plans for us?

The rest of Saturday consisted of shopping, shopping, and more shopping for the various sub sandwich ingredients for the youth fundraiser. I'll admit I am not exactly skilled in the ways of food preparation. I owe many thanks to my mom for taking on the task with me and for her patience. Making the subs Sunday went smoother than expected. The older youth stepped up and were leaders while the younger youth were just as hardworking. Once again, I took a step back and thanked God for such a special group of young people.

It was great to end the weekend watching some good ol' competitive football with friends. Go Giants! It's weekends like these that make me enjoy this thing we call "Living."