Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Here's to Happy Beginnings!

It is difficult for me to put down in words how lucky I feel to be where I am at. After graduating college, I had little success in finding a gratifying job or one that fit my specific interests in Marketing. It was hard to keep my head up and salvage my depleting self-worth. I nearly gave up hope completely when my family suffered through a tragedy together. I felt tested and most of all, cheated. I questioned daily whether or not it was worth trying to be a good person. Being good was not a common trait I recognized in the successful students who attained jobs. As my questions poured out endlessly, God was smiling as he knew his plans for me were shaping into what would soon be a reality.

I have always had a passion for youth ministry. My youth group is responsible for a large part of my happiness as an adolescent. So really, it's only natural that I end up working in that area. I like to think of it as joining the family business; the one I've been involved with all my life. My youth pastor, Walter, was like a big brother or even a best friend. I have so many fond memories that involve him and his family. I would not be the person I am today had he not taken me under his wing. The most legendary memory we share is when I called from the back of the church van, "Walter, can I have a piece of gum? I just threw up in my mouth three times." His reply, "Yeah, (pause) here you go." He once had to write a briefing about our group for our mission trip, he informed the leaders, "It's not a trip unless KP pukes." How embarrassing! Yet, so true.

My oldest and closest friends are the ones I met in my youth group. We've shared so many great memories. I'll never forget New Year's Eve lock-ins, Ichthus storms, and roofing on mission trips. I look back and laugh at the amount of hours we spent running around the dark church playing 'Romans and Christians' or the arguments we had while playing Ultimate Frisbee. "You took two steps!!!"
As often as I've found myself in a position of leadership, it still intimidates me. I just choose to believe this job will challenge me to be the best version of myself. What else can you really ask for? I do not plan to simply erase my passion for marketing. I just have to be creative on how I pursue those efforts along side my new goals. I promise to keep on, no matter what comes my way.


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