Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Living Masterpieces

Once again I must acknowledge my epic fail of keep this blog updated. Let me give you this one excuse, "things got busy." As you can imagine, since my last post (in August) lots of things have happened in my life and in my ministry. Here's a list to speed things up:

1. I HAVE A NEPHEW. Holding Luke for the first time changed my life. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever felt that amount of joy before. Babies change things, they just do. My heart is warm and happy when I think about his life just beginning and getting to share in the significant and insignificant moments; lovely all the same.

2. Failed Relationship. If there is any major reason to forget to blog it's because you've found yourself head over heels for someone. Sadly, my adventure didn't last long but it was an exciting one that I can look back on and smile about. It's not so bad, I have my future to look forward to.

3. Started a Children's Program. This was by far the scariest venture for me the past few months. I've become comfortable with leading the youth ministry at my church, so I guess they decided to challenge me again. Building this program has been so rewarding. I love spending my Wednesday nights worshipping and learning with the little ones of our church and community. I will definitely be sharing more about this program in the future.

4. 7th Wheeling on a Family Cruise. I will admit that my mood wasn't all that positive because of no. 2 of this list but I made the best of this trip. It was fun and relaxing. I'm so thankful for the quality time I was able to have with my brother and his wonderful girlfriend. I discovered my dad's amazing ping-pong skills and even won a round of the Cruise's game show.

5. Friends' Engagement! He asked, she said "yes!" Two of my best friends, Jordan and Faith, got engaged on Christmas Eve after the candle light service. I couldn't be happier for them. It was such a wonderful gift to get to witness the moment and hug them with excitement. Can't wait to be the wedding planning helper!

Well, that's enough of that. Now for what's been on my mind.

In youth group we've started a series dealing with Identity, focusing on how we are not defined by what we look like or our worldly successes or failures. We find our identity through being God's child. We are God's workmanship, his masterpieces. You can tell me I'm made in God's image all you want, but it won't change the fact I don't always like the image I see in the mirror. I have pretty good self esteem but I wouldn't call my physical appearance a masterpiece.

I started thinking about what it really means to be God's workmanship, his masterpiece. I think of masterpieces as being art like Da Vinci's Starry Night or architecture like the Eiffle Tower. People admire them for how they look, beautiful, unique, and strong. This doesn't help me understand how I can be a masterpiece. Still questioning, I thought about Beethoven's symphonies. Are they not masterpieces as well? I can't see them. I only hear them yet I somehow experience them and they are capable of invoking feelings within me.

Obviously being God's workmanship goes deeper than my physical appearance or even the successes I have in this life. Think about it, humans are amazing creatures. I know I'll never fully understand how our body works; all the different systems coming together to create life. Our brains alone are proof that we are God's workmanship, a masterful creation. We are capable of so much because of this organ, the one we take for granted most. We were given the ability to learn, process and understand, communicate, and feel emotions. Above all else we were given the capacity to love; love God, love people, and even love things. Thinking about this has me grateful for life and for opportunity.

So what happens if we truly start to believe we are God's workmanship? I'm not totally sure but I can guess that life will change for the better. I love the illustration that we are like stone and God is an artist. He chips away at the excess material to reveal a beautiful sculpture beneath. No one but the artist can see what the sculpture will look like until pieces of stone are chipped and smoothed away.

Let God be the artist in your life. Let him chip away the tarnished, broken, scratched, excess pieces to reveal the person you are meant to be: a living masterpiece.

Until next time,

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